Our commitment

“Continuous improvement” to be the best company for customers and for the workers involved in this project.

Our commitment

“Continuous improvement” to be the best company for customers and for the workers involved in this project.

The 5 pillars of Aditech

From customer satisfaction to digitization processes

Our commitment is to continue on the way of “continuous improvement” to be the best company for customers and for the employees involved in this project.
All this through further development of an original business model capable of innovating and maintaining a strong local roots, while respecting the environment.

For us at Aditech, being the best is a source of pride and trust for customers, so that they receive, through constant listening, quality services that live up to their expectations; for the women and men who work in the company, so that they are protagonists of the results with their competence, their involvement and their passion; for the reference territory, so that both economic, social and environmental wealth to be promoted for a sustainable future and for suppliers, so that they are actors in the value chain and partners for growth.


“Customer satisfaction” is a fundamental element for company growth. This fact is intended to be perceived as a solution provider, capable of understanding needs and offering high quality services. At Aditech, daily action aims to provide a unique and reliable response to customer expectations. Organization, skills and culture of Aditech evolve with listening and customer service as a reference point.


We protect the physical and moral integrity of employees and collaborators, ensuring safe and healthy working environments through working conditions that respect individual dignity.
We are committed to ensuring that even on the part of our suppliers there is the same respect towards their employees and collaborators.


We are keen to spread and consolidate the culture of safety among employees and collaborators, developing awareness of risks and promoting responsible behavior. Therefore we are committed: to apply health and safety management systems in the workplace; define specific objectives and improvement programs, aimed at reducing accidents and occupational diseases; be responsible for health and safety at work in carrying out their activities. Aditech also protects employees and collaborators from sexual harassment, acts of psychological violence and from any discriminatory or harmful attitude to the person.


We at Aditech manage our activities by pursuing the protection of the environment with the continuous improvement of its performance in relation to the environmental impacts of its business.
We are committed: to comply with the laws and mandatory regulations at the environmental level and to work for the prevention of environmental risks; to define specific environmental objectives and improvement programs; to provide the public institutions with all the information necessary to understand any environmental risks related to the company’s business; to promote internal environmental awareness and training activities and promote the diffusion of eco-efficient technologies; be responsible for the environmental impact of their activities by identifying key performance indicators.


Aditech aims to introduce all aspects of “useful and possible” innovation to the various organizational levels: technological, organizational, management and process. We are carrying out several projects to achieve the goal of a complete digitalization of the “company system”, making the most of the training process of its human resources. . The “digitization” process involves an important training commitment which has as its ultimate goal to increase the value of the company and the competence of employees.

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